Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Seafood...No Food


This week's blog task is more closely linked to the lesson content.

Visit the website that accompanies the film we discussed today.

If you were interested in the content of the film and if you are concerned about the issues that it raises join the mailing list.  Stay informed; this is a current global issue and will belong to your generation.  Stay informed; general knowledge is good knowledge; knowledge of current affairs broadens the mind - it provokes thought.

Now think about an issue that you care about; an issue that concerns you; an issue that has touched your life (perhaps).  Find a relevant campaign site where people can sign up to receive e-mails and include this in your post.  If you cannot find a 'join e-mailing list' link then post a link to the relevant page.

Your post should include.

Whether or not you joined the endoftheline mailing list and why.
A link to a mailing list relating to another issue and your interest in it.


  1. i join because it will be interesting to get more information on the subject that we know not much about.

    i have a issue about police officers treating skateboarders like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GgWrV8TcUc&NR=1 i found out that in the city of Liverpool it is illegal to skate board (which i found from experience ahaha) but the is no need for this police officer to treat a 14 year old like this. i couldnt find a mailing list for this subject but their are many video's on youtube of this happening to people even younger and getting arrested and physically harmed by the officer

  2. http://www.canstopsmoking.com/

    i choose this site as it gives free help to people who want to stop smoking. it has an impact on my live as many people in my family smoke including my mum and dad. i would like them to stop smoking but also i wouldn't as my dads job is very stressful and if my dad didn't smoke i wouldn't know what he would do.

  3. I join the newsletter because i was interested and wanted to find out more on the subject.

    I chose this website because of the doucmentary i watched for my previouse project and i remebered the name of one of the orginizations that distribute data to people so i could keep track of how their case is going against coke.

  4. This may seem ignorant but even though the documentary interested me I havnt joined up as I dislike fish altogether.

    I chose channel 4 becaue I'm always watching the documentarys on the television and also because there is the channel 4 news that both are on this website. You can register and be involved with all the latest documentarys and news around us.
    This link like the blogspot we are using has lots of posts that people are interested in and can post and watch recent subjects that have occured.

  5. http://awf.org/section/wildlife

    I joined this website to receive newsletters because it contains issues and information I care a great deal about. The website is intended on raising awareness for the animals in Africa and the fact that many of them are endangered, and if we don't do something about it, will become extinct.
    I find the website very interesting and I enjoy visiting it on a regular basis.

  6. http://forum.cyclingnews.com/register.php

    I chose this because using travel like cars pollutes the earth, and the polluting is destroying our earth, I think cycling is the better alternative to transport that uses up the fossel fuels

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  9. I did not join the 'endoftheline' mailing list, as although I am interested, I'll probably not look at the emails that are sent.

    I joined RSPCA website, as cruelty to animals is a big issue for me and I hate to see animals mistreated. I also chose this issue as I admire what the RSPCA are doing to help the animals, and go further to charge the person/owner who had harmed their 'pets' or animals.

  10. I did join because it will be interesting to get more information on the subject that we know not much about, It saddens me to know that in the further we may no longer see fish we see today and also I don't think it is right that people know the circumstances and still fish to make a profit on selling!

    The website I chose to post is called "locks of love" and is for donating hair to suffers of cancer whom are under the age on 21 and have lost the hair during chemotherapy,i think it would be a great idea to subscribe for the newsletter to keep updated on the process and see how this website changes lives of youths. Newsletter - http://www.locksoflove.org/newsletters.html
    Home page - http://www.locksoflove.org/index.html

  11. i join in because it interesting and also it will keep us informed and to know more about what is happening to the fishes in the seas.

    The website i choose is www.quotelicious.com/quotes/drama.php because there are different quotation that is relevant to life and other things.

  12. i joined the website because i would like to pass some of the information to my family and friends

    although this website does not contain a touching issue per se, as a art pupil i have always wanted to join a website that allows me to view the the artwork of others and allows me to show mine as well. i really recommend this website to other visual and theatre art students.
    one issue that does concern me is our use of plastic bags and the effect on the environment, especially the oceans and developing countries where cleaning systems are not are advanced as ours. Here are some links to videos on the subject;

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85VFxKWcstM


  14. I liked the documentary we watched about the end of line in class hence I joined the mailing list so as to be kept informed about new findings concerning the documentary.

    I also chose to join the reader's digest because it contained whole variety of information and relevant ideas which appeals to people from all walks of life.The link to their homepage is http://www.readersdigest.co.uk/.
    I sincerely recommend it to everyone

  15. I have joined the website because it will be interesting to find out what is going on in the world of fish

    I have chose this website because it would be interesting to keep up to date with animals that are becoming endangered by the day because of the vast changes to the planet and also because of the way people treat the earth which is another reason why animals are disappearing quickly

  16. http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/solarsystem/newplanet-072905-images.html
    i joined this website as i think it is very interesting and it contains lots of astrological discoveries which might be relevant to our planet - earth.

    Victoria Arogoundade

  17. I decided to join the website because i think it will be good to gain knowledge of whats happening with the fish.


    I have chosen this website because it helps people with all types of addictions like alcohol,gambling, and cocaine. The website currently sponsors more than 600 face-to-face meetings around the world, and 16+ online meetings per week which will help people everywhere to overcome their addictions.

  18. I didn't join the website but i was interested in the whole "endoftheline" because i normally don't read my newsletters that i get so...i don't think it will change for a while.

    -This is the page where you can subscribe for news sort of like a mailing list :P

    -and this is the blog for Cancer research UK.

    I chose Cancer Research UK as i thought it was very good that people are trying to help compared to what some people (Americans) are doing to others.They get money through donations and fundraisers so that more research is being done and used to cure cancer.

  19. I did join the website as, I felt this was a strong topic and I believe that the fish should be saved as they are uselessly dying.

    The website I have been on and joined was http://www.drinkaware.co.uk/talking-to-under-18s/professionals/helpful-contacts-and-websites, I do not have an alcohol problem but I however think that this is a good website to know about as many young people have drink and drug problems.

    This is from rachel pickup mr pope, my computer is broke so i'm posting it off jordan's computer

  20. I liked the documentary end of the line and I felt very passionate about the over fishing and how it has to be reduced before it to late and seriously I don't want my children and my great grand children and so on eating artificial or pre-modified fish!!
    because use humans are being selfish as always always wanting more and more of the earth resources without thinking about the consequences!
    So I joined the end of the line's mailing list
    and I also joined the reader digest recommended by Matina
    I liked the documentary end of the line and I felt very passionate about the over fishing and how it has to be reduced before it to late and seriously I don't want my children and my great grand children and so on eating artificial or pre-modified fish!!

    I wouldn't like to eat it either!
    so I joined the end of the line's mailing list
    and I also joined the reader digest recommended by Matina

  21. I liked the documentary because it provided me with a deeper understanding about the fisheries. People are overfishing which might cause ab decrease in the production of fish. This wiil open a path for genetically modified fish to be made. This will affect the later generations to come which would be unfair. i also joined end of the line website and also reader digest as most people find it to be more informative and educational.
    I chose these websites so that i can get Inforamtion from different kinds of sources.
