Wednesday, 15 September 2010


This site was recommended by the person who trained me to be a ToK teacher.  It is an outstanding resource and one which I visit regularly.

Each student is to visit the site and spend some time figuring out how it works.

Each student will post a finding and two questions.

A finding is a discovery, something that you have found out, a piece of information, a factoid.

The questions must start with the words...

How far is it true to say....


To what extent...

...and should be related to the finding.


  1. Drownings caused 0.7% of all deaths worldwide in 2002, an average of 61 deaths per million people per year.

    how far is it true to say that deaths from just drownings not suicide?

    to what extent are people trying to stop this from happening more in the future and how could the government tackle the problem in our region ?

  2. Malignant neoplasms (cancers) caused 12% of all deaths worldwide in 2002, an average of 1144 deaths per million people per year.

    To what extent are people who may not have cancer trying to do to prevent these deaths from happening and also what are people such as cancer researchers doing to have an input?
    How far is it true to say that the people who have been diagnosed with cancer havn't died due to other causes and the postmortem examination was incorrect?

  3. I went on the website and I came across a link to do with Childhood Diarrhoea, from reading this my finding was "Diarrhoea is common amongst children. In an average two week period, an estimated 82 million children aged 0-5 years old have diarrhoea. Diarrhoea varies its severity - some children recover quickly, a small proportion but large number die".. I later came across a advertisement on the television of young children from England singing in the school playground,a song which went as follows "When you do a little dance and it's gooey in your pants, diarrhoea, diarrhoea" in all honesty I had heard this before and have myself sang it as a child and in the past have found it funny, but then as the advert continued a young boy from Africa comes on the screen and finishes the song singing "when its just killed your sister and you're really going to miss her, diarrhoea, diarrhoea." I then no longer found it funny and became sad as realised the extremes of the water related disease.
    How far is it true to say that most people do not take diarrhoea as serious as they should,it has become something adults & children joke about although a large number of children die due to the cause?
    To what extent do we take clean water for granted and what can we do to decrease the amount of deaths due to diarrhoea?

  4. I decided to read about leukaemia. I found out alot about this and it was quite upsetting to read. I found out that Leukaemia caused 0.5% of all deaths worldwide in 2002, an average of 42 deaths per million people per year and 4% of all deaths from cancer.
    The most common type in young children kills 90% of affected children within 6 months. However, in territories where treatment is now available, most children who are given treatment will improve for a time and over half are cured. Treatments are not as successful in adults.

    To what extent is it fair to ask as to why treatments for this type of cancer are less successful in adults, and to ask why?

    How far is it true to say that as with many types of cancers, if an early detection is found, or if the treatments where more widely available then the survival rate would be higher ?

  5. Malignant neoplasms (cancers) caused 12% of all deaths worldwide in 2002, an average of 1144 deaths per million people per year.

    To what extent is it true to say that more people would live if someone e.g. a doctor found a treatment so that cancer could be treated even after it has spread?

    How far is it true to say that cancer is one of the biggest killers in the world despite it being treatable?

  6. In 2002, 8 territories were known to have or suspected of having strategic nuclear weapons. These territories were: the United States, the Russian Federation, France, China, the United Kingdom, Israel, India and Pakistan. If other territories do have strategic nuclear weapons, they probably have fewer than those listed above. The United States, estimated to have the most nuclear weapons, has 240 times more than Pakistan, with the fewest.

    An international "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons" has been designed to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. This treaty was adopted in 1968. By March 2002, 187 parties had signed this treaty.

    How far is it true to say that all of the countries who signed the treaty will honor it and not make or use nuclear weapons?

    To what extent would the world be in danger if a tyrant was to produce nuclear weapons with intent to use them?

  7. The ecological footprint is a measure of the area needed to support a population’s lifestyle. This includes the consumption of food, fuel, wood, and fibres. Pollution, such as carbon dioxide emissions, is also counted as part of the footprint.

    The United States, China and India have the largest ecological footprints. Without knowing population size we cannot understand what this means about individuals’ ecological demands. Large populations live in China and India. In both territories resource use is below the world average. The per person footprint in the United States is almost five times the world average, and almost ten times what would be sustainable.

    How far is it true to say that in countries such as america, the figures are showing, not people creating footprints because of obtaining things like food and shelter, but people leading extravagant riding 4X4s and having 3 swimming pools?

    To what extent should we accept this? what should be classifed as unfair to the rest of us?should we all have to watch our planet die because a guy with too much money to spend wants to buy a 4X4...even though he lives in the city?

    This is Seun Odukogbe btw..i cant change the name XD

  8. Each year the fuel equivalent of
    11 567 000 000 000 kilograms of oil is
    used around the world. Fuel includes
    gas, coal, oil, nuclear, wood, and other

    To what extent can we trust the firgures that we are given because we don't know how accurate they are?

    How far is it to say that these figurs will stay the same every year? We know that we are eventualy going to run out of fossil fuels meaning that this amount can't be that accurate.

    Andrew Griffiths

  9. Gender Empowerment Measure is an indicator of opportunities for women. It takes into account the female share of parliamentary representation; proportions of legislators, senior officials, managers, professional and technical employees who are women; and the ratio of female to male earnings. By this measure no territory has as good opportunities for women as there are for men.

    The territories where women have the most opportunities are in Western Europe. The fewest opportunities for women are in the Middle Eastern territories of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Four billion of the world's poverty population are women.

    How fair is it that gender inequality still exists in some parts of the world in this 21st century?

    To what extent do we believe that the data given is true and how do we know that there is nothing being done about it?

  10. i found out that interestingly, by 2300 the United Nations forecasts that the global population will be just under 9 billion. World population is expected to rise, peak and then decline slightly between 2050 and 2300. The highest long term population growth is predicted for Africa. Africa is currently underpopulated and has the lowest life expectancies. Other regions' populations are predicted to stay level or decline. Between 2050 and 2300 the areas currently known as India, China, the United States and Pakistan maintain their ranked order as having the world's highest populations.

    to what extent is the forcast that the population growth of Africa will be the highest ?

    how true is it to say that the global population will be just under 9 billion by 2300 ?

    by Victoria Arogundade

  11. I decided to talk about alcohol and cigarettes. I found out that alcohol and cigarettes account for 0.9% of money spent on international trade.

    Western European territories alone profit from two thirds of the worldwide net exports. Regional exports from Western Europe are 72% of all regional exports. France and the Netherlands have the highest value of exports, and both these territories are in the top ten list of net exporters by population.

    Although South American territories together are the second biggest net exporters of cigarettes and alcohol, only one South American territory, Chile, features in the top ten net exporters when earnings are divided by population.

    How far is it true to say that alcohol and cigarettes will be made illegal one day?

    To what extent can we say that it is right for counties to recieve profit from people harming themseleves by using alcohol and cigarettes?

  12. using this site i found out that in 2000 there was 6 billion people alive on the earth and that every 97 out of 100 were living in developing country's. i also found out that united states of america has the most people earning between 200 to 500 dollars a day.

    to what extent is it true to say that 97 out of 100 people live in deleloping country's?

    what evidence do we have to say that america has the most people earning 200 to 500 dollars a day ?

  13. pamela obanor said
    i decide to talk about breast cancer.cancer of the breast in woman are common after the age of 35 years,and are more common if there is family history of breast cancer(genetic factors).cancer of the breast are more common in woman who have not had children before the age of 35 years.
    I found out that breast cancer caused 0.8% of all deaths worldwide in 2002,an average of 77 deaths per million people per year and 7% of all death from cancer.
    How true is it to say that breast feeding reduces breast cancer.
    to what extent can we say that cancer of the breast can occur through family history(genetic factory).

  14. In 2002, 43% of the world that is an estimate of 2.7 billion people managed on USD$2,statistics provided by the United Nations Development Programme.This money had to cover the basics that is food,shelter and water. Medicines, new clothes and school books would not be on the priority.

    To what extent will people survive with the lack of basic commodities?

    How far true is it to say that they are living on USD$2? What if it is less or none?

    Samantha Gosha

  15. Spain, the Netherlands, China and Mexico are the biggest net exporters of vegetables.

    How far is it true to say that Spain, the Netherlands, China and Mexico 'are' the biggest exporters of vegetables?

    To what extent can we say the countries are the biggest exporters of vegetables?

  16. The total land area of the world is 13,056 million hectares (100 metres X 100 metres). When divided up equally, every person gets 2.1 hectares. However, population isn't evenly spread. Australia's land area is 21 times of Japan but the population of Japan is 6 times bigger than Australi's population.

    To what extent would we know if the land area of the world increase or decreases?

    Is it fair to say that Japan over-uses its land whereas Australia doesn't use its land as much?

  17. An estimate of 133,121,000 shows how many babies were born in the year 2000
    but more people are dying than being born!
    Worldwide, more than a third of a million new people will be born on your birthday this year.

    what evidence do we have to say that more than a third of new people will be born on our birthdays this year ?

    how true is it to say that more people are dying than being born ?
