Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Seafood...No Food


This week's blog task is more closely linked to the lesson content.

Visit the website that accompanies the film we discussed today.

If you were interested in the content of the film and if you are concerned about the issues that it raises join the mailing list.  Stay informed; this is a current global issue and will belong to your generation.  Stay informed; general knowledge is good knowledge; knowledge of current affairs broadens the mind - it provokes thought.

Now think about an issue that you care about; an issue that concerns you; an issue that has touched your life (perhaps).  Find a relevant campaign site where people can sign up to receive e-mails and include this in your post.  If you cannot find a 'join e-mailing list' link then post a link to the relevant page.

Your post should include.

Whether or not you joined the endoftheline mailing list and why.
A link to a mailing list relating to another issue and your interest in it.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010



This site was recommended by the person who trained me to be a ToK teacher.  It is an outstanding resource and one which I visit regularly.

Each student is to visit the site and spend some time figuring out how it works.

Each student will post a finding and two questions.

A finding is a discovery, something that you have found out, a piece of information, a factoid.

The questions must start with the words...

How far is it true to say....


To what extent...

...and should be related to the finding.

Friday, 10 September 2010

To what extent is self education the best type of education?


Ongoing Self-Study Programme

Part 1

Each week our lessons will begin with a short presentation from one of the students.

This presentation will last only a few minutes and will tell the group about a documentary that you have chosen and watched from the above website.

The presentation should include...

What it was called.
What it was about.
Where it was from / who made it.
Your reactions to it.
How reliable you think it is.
Whether you think it is biased.


Questions that it raises in your mind.

You have to type what you are going to say and present it to the class.
You also have to copy and paste this text into a comment to this post.

