Friday, 25 March 2011

Get your thinking hat on...

After taking an overview of these sites, comment on the place of Edward De Bono’s work in society.

What are Edward De Bono’s ideas being used for?

Where do we find Edward De Bono’s ideas being used?


  1. Edward De Bono's ideas about lateral and creative thinking are used in areas like:Leadership Skills
    Team Management
    Strategy Tools
    Problem Solving
    Decision Making
    Project Management
    Time Management
    Stress Management
    Communication Skills
    Communicating in Writing
    Difficult Communication Situations
    Understanding Others Better
    Cross-Culture Communication
    Creativity Techniques
    Learning & Study Skills
    Career Skills
    And many other areas.

  2. I agree with Martina's comment because many (And sometimes all) ideas can be applied to many situations and problems, some of which we encounter each day, or some which we will only encouter in various stages of our lives but throughout our live time we will come across situations where we need to use several of these thinking types. Some of them are thing which come more naturally to some, and other are things which we develop as ge wain experience.

  3. Edward De Bono didn't actually create anything. What he did was, define the different thought processes we go through when making a decision. Decision making is a skill we have to use in all areas of life.

    As I said, any choice we make, we debate in our own minds what is the best option to take. De Bono put all of the view points we could take and made them into a metaphor to make it easy to understand. I think that it is a very useful way to look at a difficult problem and it can give us a logical guideline to covering all areas. If we use the "Thinking Hats", we are more likely to make a decision to benefit as many people as possible. I think it can be used in pretty much all situations, although it is not the only method of thinking.

  4. i agree with Martina and Ste in the sense that we DO make use these "thinking hats" in our daily lives, except we do not separate them into different sectors- instead we go through processes of elimination and subconsciously apply these areas of thinking, for example we make "pros and cons" lists when tackling a problem; this activity in itself makes use of the "black and yellow" hats i.e positive and negative points.

    this is why i do not, in a sense, agree with the websites that hail him as being the "leading authority in the field of creative thinking" because humans have employed creative thinking, and i think he has merely separated the various thinking skills that we use each day into sectors that enable us to edcuate ourselves FURTHER on the topic.

  5. De Bono's works are used also by facilitators, project managers and team leaders.they are used for creativity and innovationto be able to think in a systematic way. it is is also commonly used in subjects like psychology and physiology.

    the six thinking hatsare a powerful way of thinking which forces people to ditch their habitual way of thinking and be able to look at things in a more perspective way.the thinking hats are just an organised way of thinking to be able to understand as i agree with Paul.
    De Bno states that there is a great difference between being a creative person and generally being different. he gives an example that one may change and try and create a triangular door which is just being different and not being different. hence thats why he calls literal thinking an unsual way of making ideas.

  6. Edward De Bono's ideadsof creative and lateral thinking in a lot of areas of our knowledge. We go through a lot of these areas to process problems that we encounter daily in our lives. They are very important as they help us make decisions by using our different ways of thinking.

  7. Edward De Bono's creativeness made him create a new form of thinking "creative and lateral thinking" this is used in many thing today that we take for granted such as puzzles and games even magic. without this thinking method we wouldnt have stumbled upon the mind trick we can use with it an am sure we have albecome smarter after one or two have been told to you such as the ones in lesson :)

  8. To me Edward De Bono’s hasn't actually created anything, he has only made us realise that you can look at a situation in many ways. I find it hard to believe that someone can create a way of thinking because if one person can think of a new way of thinking who's to say no one else has though of it before?

  9. Edward De Bono's ideals are uesd in differnt way and form like for making decision, stress management, learning skills, carrier, time management and so on.

    in the sense that we use Edward ideal,which is the thinking hat in our every day life, and also it depends on what we believe in, and we all have individual way of thinking but the thinking cap is a form of a strategic way of thinking and putting ideas that are useful down.
