Friday, 12 November 2010

It's Just a Just War Theory

The Geneva Conventions

As a group using the above link and building on each other's posts complete an investigation into the Geneva convention.  Read each other's posts before posting.  Investigate the site and post findings.  What is the convention?  What does it mean tot he world?  Who adheres to it?  Who doesn't? 

Post both findings and your thoughts on these findings.


  1. "...The Conventions and their Protocols call for measures to be taken to prevent or put an end to all breaches. They contain stringent rules to deal with what are known as "grave breaches". Those responsible for grave breaches must be sought, tried or extradited, whatever nationality they may hold..."

    When I first saw this statment I didn't fully understand it, but I was intrested in the comcept behind it. At first the words "grave breaches" got me thinking about what this could mean so it looked it up on the website.

    "...wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment..."

    This made me think that why can't every country honor these rules? This made me then consider the consequences for not following these rules to be fair and that they should be dealt with if they can't follow these basic rules, but it seems that only democracy countries are willing to embrace these rules and that dictatorship's refuse to acknowledge these rules and only care about what is good for them and them only.

  2. Because I felt Andrew’s point was looking at a negative aspect of the participation of the countries, i decided to look at the Geneva convention's link with The Protection of the Red Cross / Red Crescent Emblems.
    i choose this because i felt this represented a part of the convention that isn’t biased, because it belongs to no countries, there is no Ulterior motives (or so I felt.)

    The provisions of the Geneva

    Conventions and the Additional
    Protocols establish that the red
    cross and red crescent are symbols
    protected by international law.
    These provisions define the
    individuals and services entitled to
    use the emblems and the purposes
    for which they may be employed.
    Their use is regulated at all times,
    during periods of peace as well as
    during times of armed conflict. Any
    unauthorised use of the emblems is

    that is a paragraph i took from this part of the website

    after reading that i think that PART of the geneva convention is very beneficial to the world as it doesnt take sides but seeks to help people in time of war AND peace.

  3. "The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are at the core of international humanitarian law, the body of international law that regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects. They specifically protect people who are not taking part in the hostilities (civilians, health workers and aid workers) and those who are no longer participating in the hostilities, such as wounded, sick and shipwrecked soldiers and prisoners of war."

    I took this from the page on the website that appears first when the link above is clicked. I found that the law creates rules on how much conflict is acceptable and what its limits are.
    The Geneva conventions are of the time 1949, There has been 4 Geneva conventions and 3 following/additional protocols, website created by the international committee of the red cross.

    I also asked myself the question Andrew posted, Why cant every country honour these rules? it would become so much easier, although i agree with Seun to some extent, in the way that it is beneficial but only to the countries that participate and believe in these laws. It is a great because it doesnt take sides, it is simply trying to help those in war to seek peace.

  4. After looking on the web sight i found that there are four Genevea conventions.

    "The first Geneva Convention protects wounded and sick soldiers on land during war. The second Geneva Convention protects wounded, sick and shipwrecked military personnel at sea during war. The third Geneva Convention applies to prisoners of war. The fourth Geneva Convention affords protection to civilians, including in occupied territory."

    This tells us that The Geneva convention is extremely careing towards everyone and tries to help and protect people who do not take part in fighting in war and people who can no longer fight as they are wounded ect.

    This means a lot to the world as it benefits by helping people in need who ever they are. I also agree with Seun as he says they don't take sides and Bianca made a good point about seeking peace.

  5. Conventions in a condensed format and makes them applicable to conflicts not of an international character:

    It requires humane treatment for all persons in enemy hands, without any adverse distinction. It specifically prohibits murder, mutilation, torture, cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment, the taking of hostages and unfair trial.
    It requires that the wounded, sick and shipwrecked be collected and cared for.
    It grants the ICRC the right to offer its services to the parties to the conflict.
    It calls on the parties to the conflict to bring all or parts of the Geneva Conventions into force through so-called special agreements.
    It recognizes that the application of these rules does not affect the legal status of the parties to the conflict.
    Given that most armed conflicts today are non-international, applying Common Article 3 is of the utmost importance. Its full respect is required.

    This shows Geneva are very equil and civil towards other people during war. It proibits murder or even mutilation to any of there prisoners and they pay full most most attetion to there soilders.

    I agree with amys point this is becayse Geneva is trying to set out rules so minimum war is created.

  6. from what i researched from this topic is that the Geneva conventions was like a set of rules that countries had to agree to keep if they sign that they would.

    the rules were basicly to stop any major wars between the countries that signed the agreement and it also consisted of protection to soldiers

  7. convictions

    First Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 1864
    Second Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, 1906
    Third Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 1929
    Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 1949
    The whole set is referred to as the "Geneva Conventions of 1949" or simply the "Geneva Convention".

  8. International humanitarian law protects a wide range of people and objects during armed conflict. The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols protect the sick, wounded and shipwrecked not taking part in hostilities, prisoners of war and other detained persons, as well as civilians and civilian objects.

    i found this one the protected persons page. i chose it because it really made me say wow at the fact that a company/ group of people can have all these rules then there the ones not even fighting.

    i think the Geneva Convention is a group of people who are just there to stop war getting out of hand all over the world with all these rules an regulations if these rules weren't in place war would be much more horrific

  9. The Geneva conventions have the "Customary international humanitarian law which is made up of that come from a general practice accepted as law and that exsist independant of treaty law "

    This treaty is considered as crucial to all the victims of war. It is not basically for selected countries but is considered throughout the world.The victims are taken care of and given the attention they need.

    I agree with Amy because this treaty also aims to emphasize the care of the soldiers and victims of war.

  10. "The essential spirit of the Geneva Conventions – to uphold human life and dignity even in the midst of armed conflict – is as important now as it was 60 years ago."

    to me, the geneval convention are a great organization that care about the welfare of war victims and are dedicated to bringing peace to people in the midst of war. i agree with the points made by Bianca, Seun and Amy in the the geneval convention are careing and do thier best to protect those that need protection dring war and in my point of view it is great to find that thier is still an organization that are interested in the world and still believe ikn justice foor everyone.

    Vickie Arogundade

  11. "Today the Geneva Conventions remain the cornerstone of contemporary international humanitarian law. They contain the essential rules protecting persons who are not or no longer taking a direct part in hostilities when they find themselves in the hands of an adverse party. These persons are, as mentioned before, the wounded and sick, the shipwrecked, the prisoners of war and civilians, including those civilians living under occupation."

    From this passage, I understand the fact that the Geneva Conventions were created for the victims of war who are not involved in the matter. The point i'm trying to make is similar to Vickie's as i am talking about how the Geneva Convention's are trying to help Victims of war and that this organization still believe in Justice, and world peace for everyone including the leaders who started the wars.

  12. '' The Geneva Convention's International law restricts the methods and means used in war, limiting types of weapons, how they are used and soldiers’ conduct. A distinction must always be made between legitimate military targets and civilians''

    We all agree that the Geneva conventions are putting great efforts into different aspects of war and humanitarian activities. Picking up on what lewis said they provide set of rules to prevent countries from going into major wars but the question which should be asking is ,are these countries abiding by the rules.This international law that states certain weapons that are to be used isn't really followed,some countries still smuggle ammunition during wars and carry out out uneccessary harm to citizens of war thorn areas and zones.I think Geneva convention is doing a whole lot but it is still up to these countries and their heads of state to abide by these laws and do everything in their power to maintain peace and order.

  13. The geneva convention also established the neutrality of medical personnel and adopted a single, neutral emblem to protect them and the medical facilities treating the wounded: the red cross on a white ground.

    i took this page from the development of modern international humanitarian law.i see page interesting because it make us understand that even at war they still care for each other no matter which side they are.i agree with vickie and luo and sammy on what they say,because even at war they consider the health of others and threated everybody equally.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. From the beginning, international humanitarian law (IHL) has endeavoured to limit the suffering caused by armed conflict. To achieve this, IHL addresses both the behaviour of combatants and the choice of means and methods of warfare, including weapons.

    I think this is valid because it shows the efforts and determination the Geneve Convention and the IHL go through and it helps us understand how problbems are overcome and fixed in war.

  16. The convention is a group of laws that are put together to limit the effects of war. They protect people who either are no longer in hostilities or who are not taking part in hostilities.

    'International humanitarian law aims to prevent and alleviate human suffering in war without discrimination based on sex. But it does recognize that women face specific problems in armed conflict, such as sexual violence and risks to their health.'

    Although the convention aims to help prevent suffering, there is a lot of sexual violence towards tge women and this risk their health. They face many problems due to armed conflict.
    There is both reasons for and against the convention.

  17. International humanitarian law protects a wide range of people and objects during armed conflict. The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols protect the sick, wounded and shipwrecked not taking part in hostilities, prisoners of war and other detained persons, as well as civilians and civilian objects.

    This quote shows that even though the conflict is going on the international humanitarian law is stil trying to protect people. I think that the Geneva conventions is a way of making war more bearable for people.

  18. International humanitarian law contains basic principles and rules governing the choice of weapons and prohibits or restricts the employment of certain weapons. The ICRC plays a leading role in the promotion and development of law regulating the use of certain weapons.

    This quote shows that the Geneva convention are trying to make the war as fair as possible by restricting the use of certain weapons. it is giving less developed contries a better chance at succeeding in war and stopping it from becoming a pwer sruggle where the richest an biggest countries will win.

  19. The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are at the core of international humanitarian law, the body of international law that regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects. They specifically protect people who are not taking part in the hostilities (civilians, health workers and aid workers) and those who are no longer participating in the hostilities, such as wounded, sick and shipwrecked soldiers and prisoners of war.

    The convention is there to protect people who are not involved in the war, and for people who have been involved in war. I think this is a good thing as it keeps people safe. The Geneva Conventions is a way to protect the people, and as Jordan said, make it more bearable for the civilians.

  20. "It requires humane treatment for all persons in enemy hands, without any adverse distinction.

    It specifically prohibits murder, mutilation, torture, cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment, the taking of hostages and unfair trial.

    It requires that the wounded, sick and shipwrecked be collected and cared for."

    These are just a few points about what the Geneva Convention aims to do. It aims to protect all people and ensure that their human rights are followed through with at all times.
    But this makes me question the effectiveness of the convention. All of these points and rules are broken in certain wars in certain places. This shows that the convention is not perfect, and it can be improved and enforced much better. This is something that should be looked at by the so called 'authorities'.
